I was thinking today when we left how hard it must be to put so much time and energy into giving puppies such a good home and then giving them up to another family. I know it’s all in the job, but man, I almost cried for you today. :) Well, she’s doing great. I wish I could say that I’ve gotten to spend a lot of time with her, but Burke and her have been in the yard for most of the day playing. She did come in for a minute….maybe five and crashed in my lap until she saw that Burke had stayed in the yard so she was back out there in a flash. Hilarious!!! The only problem that we’ve had as of yet is that she doesn’t realize that there’s a screen door out to the porch. She’s run into it at full force about three times! Poor baby! We love her already!
When we picked up Burke from Patrick’s uncle (he’s a vet) he didn’t seemed concerned at all about her mange. He said give it a few weeks and if it’s not cleared up we’ll take her back there. We are so happy to have her here to be a part of our family. She and Burke love each other! As soon as we get settled I’ll send you some pics. Thank you again for raising such a sweet pup!
Nicknames: little lady, buggie-boo
Pet Peeves: not being able to eat, drink, sleep, and play in your lap at all times…I just love being around people!
Interests: cuddling, new people, some playing, but more cuddling
Ideal Day: Waking up cuddled with my forever family and going outside to run around and come right back in for more quality cuddle time!
More Photos
My Story:
I was dumped with my brothers and sisters at a shelter when I was only 3 weeks old. We were so young and weak, but the shelter staff took good care of us and we were saved just before our time was up! I got to see my little brother the other day and we had so much fun playing in the photo studio. I miss him, but I have 2 other big foster sisters and a foster brother to play with. I’m a little scared of my biggest foster sister because her head is the size of my whole body! I would rather cuddle up with my foster mom. My other foster sister thinks I’m her puppy and likes to carry me around by the scruff of my neck. I’m okay with that because I never got to mothered by my real mom.
Like I said before, I love to meet new people, whether it’s my foster mom’s friends, the mailman, the vet, or even the nice photographer I met the other day, I don’t know a stranger. I also have wonderful house manners, even as a puppy! I don’t really chew on anything (besides my toys), I am working on being potty trained, I never have accidents in my kennel, and I don’t even jump. If I need to let my foster mom know I need something I just sit at her feet and put my paw on her leg. I already know “sit”, “come”, and “kennel” (I don’t like the last one very much, but I still listen).