- Sometimes you have to take time to stop and smell the flowers!
Rona was surrendered by her owner after several complaints of neglect to animal control. She was found with nothing in her food bowl but some lime wedges, despite plenty of dog food at the home.
Rona is currently fostered with other dogs and loves to play. She is house trained and crate trained. She enjoys spending time outside and does pretty well on a leash. She is still very young, so will benefit from training. She does know several basic commands. She’s a very quick learner and eager to please. She’s a really terrific girl!
Meet Miss Roni Bologna! An energetic clown with a strong willingness to please, she is everyone’s instant BFF.
Bedazzled with a slight underbite, Rona is currently fostered with a senior male bully who is patiently showing her that slow and steady does win the race and teaching her manners in a way that only an experienced and treasured 4 legged friend can.
Perfectly crate and house trained, she is positively slutty, but in a good way.
This zany girl is smart and utterly charming. So charming and smart in fact, she will try and get away murder…and will if allowed. So, she will need a home that enjoys her comical antics, yet can reign in her exuberance with firm and gentle leadership and of course, lots and lots of love! Are you that special home? If so, put in your application NOW!
1) First off, she is sort of a klepto and you’ll find odd things in her crate like: slippers, oven mitts, even my ankle weights (buff girl that she is:)). She doesn’t destroy anything, she is just a “collector” of sorts. So, if something’s missing, we know where to check first.
2) She loves lightning bugs (or fireflies). She likes them so much in fact, that she usually begs to go outside around 8pm or so when it starts to get dark so she can admire them. By admire, I mean, catch and eat as many as she can before I yell for her to come back in the house. The massacre she can cause in 15-30 minutes is pretty incredible!
3) As usual in KC yards I’m sure, we have chipmunks that like to dig holes that provide a tunnel that exit in other areas of the yard. For a while, Rona thought she “cornered” one in a hole she chased one into. Probably for a good week, every time we would let her out she would charge/run to the hole to guard it…and she’d stay at the hole, waiting ever so patiently for the chipmunk to come out that she know was trapped in there.
4) She’s really into tennis balls. Her foster brother, O’Malley, likes tennis balls. He likes to “peel” them and will catch/retrieve them when thrown, only rarely gives them back. Rona on the other hand, will reliably catch, retrieve, and repeatedly give the ball back to continue the game. I’m currently going through Physical Therapy where they’ve created a massager of sorts with a sock and 2 tennis balls to rub the knots out of my shoulders. Guess who keeps “finding” my high tech PT apparatus, chewing a hole through the sock and claiming the balls as her toys? Yeah, my sore shoulders do not find it funny!
Rona’s doing extremely well. Now that I’ve run with her a number of times, I can say she’s officially a running dog. She’s progressed from needing a prong collar to walk to walking and running beautifully with a harness type leash. She’s very focused during these walks/runs and will consistently look to you for continued direction and respond swiftly to any kind of pull/jerk of leash. She’s definitely a committed jock, as she continues to search for and find my ankle weights to work out in her crate no matter where I hide them.
While my O’Malley is the King of the Sad Eyes ( a look of complete sorrow that he gives that makes the average person want to hug him and wrap him in a warm blanket), Rona seems to have mastered the “loving eyes”. In a cartoon, it would look as follows: A dog with heart shaped eyes with visible heart beats pumping out of her chest as a flying baby angel has just shot her with an arrow of love.
Location –
Rona is in foster care with Marisol and Geoff
Weight –
40-45 lbs.
House Manners –
Rona is housebroken and kennel trained
Children –
Rona is great with children
Other Pets –
Good with most dogs and cats
Sponsorship Status –
Sponsor Needed