He’s doing great! He’s up to about 45 lbs now! In the past month he has just exploded in size. He’s gotten very tall and put on lots of muscle. I think he still feels that he is a 9 lb puppy though. He’s also turned out to be a big baby. David and I often wake up in the middle of the night to find that he snuck into bed with us, with his head on the pillow, his body under the covers and laying on his back with his paws in the air. He is also very very very protective of the baby. He keeps her away from things that are dangerous (i.e stairs, the book case, or anything on the floor). Once there was somebody of questionable nature walking by our back porch and he ran over and barked twice at him and ran back and stood in front of her playpen, all the while watching the man. Our daughter loves him so much too. She woke up once in the middle of the night saying “Bo!” (which is what she calls him) over and over again, and so I took her to where he was and she crawled over to him and cuddled up on his blanket with him and they slept there for about an hour together. He’s very gentle with her, which would have been our biggest concern.
We discovered over the summer that he loves to swim. David took him for a walk down by the pond near our home thinking he would like to chase the ducks, and instead he jumped straight into the water several different times on his own. If only I could get him to like his baths that much…..
I could go on and on with the stories about him….
He has really turned out to be the perfect dog for us. We love him very much and he seems to be very happy. We just seemed to click.
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My Story:
Born June 2, 2007. Boomer and his 10 siblings were born in a veterinarians office when their mother was abandoned. Thanks to a very kind soul, they were saved and have spent every minute since birth in a loving home.
We believe their mother, Annie,is a Pit Bull/Boxer /Rhodesian Ridgeback mix and based on their masks and body shape, we suspect that daddy was a mastiff.
The pups are getting excellent socialization and have already had one puppy class with a trainer to help them get a good start. They will be having a second class on July 22nd.