So far, I’m pretty ornery and full of myself. I am VERY smart for my age and am a confident puppy. After all, I’ve already been in and out of jail and I survived it just fine! I stand up to the big dogs and bite their ears when possible. I’m not quite sure why they are reluctant to cuddle with me later – it’s not like puppy teeth are sharp, right?
I am doing remarkably well in the housetraining department. It is normal for puppies my age to poo about 6 times per day, and pee pretty much every time their paws hit the ground – their little bodies simply can’t hold it longer. Puppies this age must be monitored constantly. My foster mom understands that and is with me all day so I go outside at least twice an hour, which has resulted in few indoor accidents for a puppy of my age!
I LOVE fetch. I am so small a tennis ball is bigger than my whole head, yet I run with one in my mouth like it’s nothing. I’ll even bring it back to you! So far, the only thing I love more than fetch is the couch. Yes, I am definitely a couch dog and insist on a certain amount of cuddle time or you will regret it – I can be pretty loud when I feel like protesting!
One thing that allows me to get away with more than I should is my stunning good looks. I am mostly a dusty liver color (think of the color of sand at a beautiful beach) with blue on the tips of my ears and around one of my eyes. I have a speckly nose and a light pink belly like a little piglet. MABBR has only seen one other dog with this unique mix of liver and blue. I am definitely going to be a show stopper when I’m all grown up! If you are interested in adopting me you will really have to go the extra mile to ensure my safety – I never wanna be stolen!
All in all I am a typical puppy. Ridiculously adorable, spunky, confident, outgoing, full of myself, cuddly, kissy, sweet, and again, I must stress how cute I am. Like any puppy, it will take a lot of work to shape me into a good dog, but I’m off to a fantastic start and know if you work with me I have the potential to be a great bully ambassador!
Note: If you also think it’s bullcrap that dogs like Gigi are pulled from their happy homes on a regular basis, write your elected officials if your town has a breed ban. Together we have a voice!