Jubilee, also known as Billy for short, is a beautiful and compact little purebred boxer- around 45 pounds and a year old. She seems to do well with other dogs (so far she loves to run and plays pretty rough), but is somewhat unsure of cats at this point. She shows an interest in them, but will respond to someone calling her while she is staring at a feline in fascination! A home without cats is probably a better fit for her though.
Jubilee will need to go to a home where someone can appreciate her absolute zest for life, her high energy level, and she will need a fenced in yard and daily walks to burn some of that off. A tired dog makes for a good dog! She loves to be in your face, giving kisses (she’s a licking machine at this point), and is always happy and excited. She has been pretty responsive to commands and has her ‘sit’ command down pat. It’s evident that she really wants to please. She does well with everyone who has met her, but despite being small, might be too much for a family with little children.
Billy travels well in the car and is always ready to go. She does whine some when she doesn’t have your attention (i.e. when someone is giving love to one of her canine buddies and she is not involved), so it’s obvious she wants to be in on all the action. Jubilee is such a great dog and there is no doubt she will give so much love and joy to her new family. She has been in a couple homes through no fault of her own, so it is extremely important to us that her new family is beyond committed to her and understands that a dog is a LIFETIME commitment regardless of a change in the family.
Jubilee has been spayed and fully vetted. However, our rescue has incurred some large vet bills because she had some “female issues” when she came to us. We have spent over $300 on her so far and would appreciate any donations to our organization to help pay for this veterinary care. She is completely healthy now and ready to be adopted. If you have more questions or would like to fill out an application, please send us an email.