Pet Peeves: Not being able to sneak up fast enough on my foster pitbull sister Givey and having my human foster sister go to school and not stay in her room and love on me at all times !!! ..I just love being around my foster family!
Interests: Playing, giving kisses, butt runs, playing in the mud and more loving ….
Ideal Day: Wake up, get some loving, go outside and play with my foster family of dogs, come inside and play with the cat, eat and drink whenever I want and cuddle up again for some more kisses and loving…
My Story:
I was dumped with my brothers and sisters at a shelter when I was only 3 weeks old. We were so young and weak, but the shelter staff took good care of us and we were saved just before our time was up! I miss them, but I heard the other day that they are doing great and some even have their forever homes !! I so want to have a forever home for myself too !!
My foster mom says that I am a wiggle butt that loves to play and nuzzle and play some more !! What can I say I am just plain fun !! You should come and meet me, I will show you a great time and lots of love.
I have been living with a big dog, a medium dog and a tiny dog that thinks he is bigger than the biggest dog.. haha. I also get along well with the cat and the small toddler and of course my sister Ashley. I have experienced it all !!!!
I am working really hard on being potty trained, I never really have any accidents in my kennel that are my fault ;o)