Gibson is one of the 11 dogs MABBR brought back from Newkirk, Oklahoma, where over 100 pit bulls were abandoned and left for dead in freezing temperatures. Emaciated and neglected, the heartbreak and cruelty these dogs endured was truly unimaginable and we are extremely grateful to all who helped. While it was too late for many, some of the dogs were saved and are now with rescue organizations throughout the nation.
Well, I think Gibson is adapting quite well to life in the with his pack.
Gibson LOVES to take a bath and for a white dog, that is a great thing. He will just sit under the faucet and enjoy the warm bath.
He makes grunting sounds like a pig, runs very low to the ground and is one big snuggle bunny…especially on your lap on the sofa in front of the fireplace. He also loves his other foster siblings. He loves to snuggle with them, too, especially out on the deck in the sun. He is learning from them how to life like a dog with rules, boundaries and limitations.
He is still adjusting to using the yard versus the cement patio for the bathroom, but since he aims to please, I do not think it will be too long before he’s using the yard all of the time. He has learned to sit if he wants to be petted and does so very patiently. He is also learning to sit for treats. Crate training is coming along, a little slower than we’d like, but he’s getting there. Not as many accidents in his crate.
He’s learning his name, learning to play fetch with the ball, and even bring it back most times. Walks around the yard with the pack are something he really enjoys. Then he gets to check out all the smells and sites of the yard and the woods behind the yard. This is a VERY loving dog. He will have his first visit to the vet this weekend for a check up. He had his first de-worming on Saturday.
He has already started his heart worm medicine. He loves to eat and is really growing into a wonderful little puppy. I do not think he is going to be very tall. He is super sweet.