In a foster home

1 year old

Housebroken and crate trained

Good with kids over 12 years old

Good with dogs. Needs a feline free home.

Sponsor needed

Meet Stewie
My name is Stuart, but my friends call me Stewie. I’m a Pittie mix who is almost 1 year old. I’ve been with my foster family for a few months now and am looking for a forever home of my own. My foster mom brought me to her home after meeting me because she felt really bad about the rough start I had to my life. You see, I was found by the Pet Resource Center of Kansas City’s Outreach team in December. I’d been outside in the rain and cold over Christmas and I was skinny and scared. I wasn’t sure if I could trust the humans who found me, but eventually I went along with them and was soon warm and safe and had food in my tummy.
When my foster mom first brought me home with her, I was happy to find there were dogs in her home but I needed to make the male human in the home work for my trust, lol. He hand fed me 3 meals a day for a few days before I finally thought he was okay. I must keep some secrets to myself, but my foster parents quickly learned I wasn’t treated very well by the humans who had me before. I don’t want to tell them everything and make them sad, but they do know I was abused. I wasn’t afraid of things in the house, but if someone made sudden movements I’d flinch. I’m doing a LOT better with that now thanks to all the love and patience from my foster family. It takes me some time to warm up to new humans, men mostly, but as soon as I know you’re okay, I’m the bestest friend you could ever want! I give nice kisses, and will roll over for belly rubs.
I do make my foster parents laugh a lot especially because of my “Super Top Secret Shoe Relocation Program”. It’s a mystery to everyone else except for me, but sometimes I think my foster parents’ shoes or slippers need to be relocated to different areas of the house. I think it’s super funny when they wake up in the morning and can’t find their slippers!
I like to go on walks, and I love learning new stuff. My foster mom has taught me how to sit, lay down, look at her, come here, and a few other things. I like it when she spends time with me teaching me stuff, and think I’d like a human who will continue doing things like that with me.
I’ve put a lot of thought into this, and I think my ideal forever home will be one that’s laid back but with humans who want to take me on walks every day. My BFF in my foster home is Soda Pop. We’re pretty close in age and have lots of fun wrestling and playing and going on walks together. I don’t need to live with another dog though because sometimes I just want to hang out and Soda just wants to play non-stop, which can be kinda annoying sometimes (but don’t tell him I said that). If you’re looking for a smart, handsome, affectionate guy who enjoys long walks and new adventures I’m your guy.