I love my foster brother and sister and really love playing with them. They play with me even when they are tired. I am small, they call me “pocket sized”, but even though they are so much bigger than I am, I’m not scared one bit. My foster family says I have to go to a forever home that can show me strong leadership. I love to please, treats are great, but I also respond very well to positive encouragement, so if my new home shows me the way, I’ll show them I can grow into the best dog they’ve ever had!
I have a lot of energy right now because I’m still growing, but I also like to take a lot of naps and my favorite place to do that is in my crate or in someone’s lap with a soft blanket. Cuddeling under the covers is my speciality. I really-really-really like to play outside, but when I’m not outside it’s so fun to slip and slide around on the floor inside and chase my squeaky toys. I also like my tug toys and I’m already showing my foster family how well I fetch!
I like it in my foster home, but would really like to soak up all the attention in my very own forever home! I will be so much fun to take on walks, and to the lake, and even to play in the sprinkler in the back yard…I have enough energy for it all! (AND enough love to settle down and cuddle with my forever family too)