Sweet Jasmine had a rough start in life, this pretty baby was confiscated as a cruelty case. Her owners were badly neglecting her. Upon her arrival it was realized that something was wrong with her little neck. When the shelter took this sweetheart to the vet they were told that most likely someone had at one time either hit or kicked Jasmine and it broke her neck ;-( Her injury was left untreated….
This hasn’t sure hasn’t slowed her down though! Jasmine is completely healed and a very healthy and happy little girl. Her foster home can’t say enough great things about her. Jasmine is a perfectly normal, healthy puppy. She is very happy and wants to be in the middle of all the action in her foster home. She is currently fostered with several other dogs, cats, and young children so she is getting excellent socialization and learing good manners.
We believe that Jasmine is going to make the right home extremely happy. If you are looking for a bubbly bundle of love and fun, then take a look at Jasmine, this little girl might make the perfect addition to your lucky home!