Lentil 1997-2013Lentil was with me for 15 years and was estimated to be about 16 years old. This pic is her and her 'brother' saying their last goodbyes to each other. It still rips my heart out to think she is not with me anymore. It doesn't get any easier, sad to say. Her name was Lentil because I found her chained to a radiator in an abandoned apartment during the Catholic Holiday Lent. My big blue boy was a former street dog in Brooklyn that i managed to 'catch' one night. His name is Rollins after Henry Rollins. He actually resembles him I think. ;) Amia

GusHe sure was a great dog, and I cherish all the time I got to have him in my life. R.I.P. Gus

King d. 2007A skeletal puppy pulled out of a dumpster. His ears had been cut off. He ended up in the company of a homeless man. King’s love was unconditional. Knowing him renewed my love of Pit Bulls. That’s why I volunteer with MABBR. R.I.P. my sweet boy.

Justice d. 2009Justice was a breeding dog from a puppy mill. She hadn’t known carpet, toys, playmates, or love. She knew puppies, allergies, living in a kennel, and severe back pain. We were proud to foster her. She had an old soul, but she taught us many things! R.I.P. Gertie Gruntosaurus

Dillon d. 2013Dillon is the reason I started doing pit bull rescue. He was more than just my first love, he gave me the opportunity to love so many other dogs. All others shall pale in comparison, but all others will be loved no less. “I don’t call you sun because you shine, I call you son because you’re mine”. R.I.P.

Walter d. 2018 It is with a heavy heart that MABBR reports the passing of a former adoptable, Creed "Walter" Mathewson. When Walter was just a few years old, he was rescued by MABBR from a puppy mill situation along with several other English Bull Terrier adults and puppies. A short time later in 2008, he was adopted into a loving family where he would spend the next decade of his life traveling between Kansas, Oklahoma, and the beaches of Florida with canine siblings and human orderlies at his paws. Even though Walter was missing part of his tail from his puppy mill days, it did not stop him from having a good time. This heartfelt note comes from Walter's family: "I am so sorry, but I wanted to let you know that the wonderful, special Walter died at 3:16 am on Friday morning. Over the last year, he lost control over his lower body and on Monday he was unable to walk more than a couple of steps. He seemed to be shutting down over the last couple of weeks, starting to avoid eating, even treats. And, by last Wednesday, he appeared to have lost his ability to drink water. I was petting him and stroking his paw when he died, talking to him, letting him know he wasn't alone. The vet verified he was as old as we thought last year, at least 16, which made him a very old little man, and I know since his rescue many of us tried to make his life good. I cannot tell you how blessed I was to have Walter in my life. He was, literally, my companion 24/7. There are no words to express how grateful I am that you found him and placed him on a path into my life. I like to think that the warm weather was good for him and that he knew he had a network of people who thought he was a special friend. Thank you, again." It is at this moment that we ask all of our fans and adopters to know how much each of you can change the life of another animal, and at the same time, your own. Stories like Walter's are the reasons we rescue and urge you to adopt; his is one full of new experiences, laughter, and companionship that touched hundreds of people in his communities over many years. The rescue community collectively thanks Walter's family for showing him the world. Ben Mathewson, Jordan Mathewson, Kendall Spase
MABBR is entirely funded by donations. Our expenses include pet vaccinations, spaying and neutering, parasite treatment, and medication for any pets with special needs. Additionally, we must pay for boarding for dogs waiting for foster homes to become available.