Charlie is awesome! He is learning to
sit and heel while on a walk, and his “shake” is coming along. He loves
rawhides and gets a big one once a week on Fridays! We got him a great
big doggie bed and he loves it. We keep it at the foot of our bed. His
playmate is our cat, Pa’Kai. The two are very fond of one another and
play often, chasing each other, playing hide-and-go seek, and taking
naps together on the couch. I take him on a short run every evening to help burn off some steam. He does great for the first half a mile and then kind of conks out a little after that! ;) On days where I am at class for long periods of time, Chet takes him to work and Charlie loves it because the neighbors in the shop next door have a beagle named Snoopy and the two tend to entertain one another, in addition to all the attention he gets as people come and go.
We love him so very much! Thanks for saving him so that he could become
part of our family!
More Photos
Nicknames: Chuck, Two Buck Chuck, Chaz, Charles
Pet Peeves:
I cry if you step on me… I’m small, so watch out… My big foster siblings always step on me!
My ideal day:
Oh boy… Well, I LOVE sleeping in bed with my humans. They don’t let me sleep there often, but every night they let me climb in for a snuggle and I am in heaven. I love to play in the back yard with my foster siblings. My favorite thing is to chase squirrels in the back yard! I love having a fenced in yard, I could possibly stay out there all day, I am always the last one in when my foster mom calls us back inside! I love going to the park and running around. I pretend to chase the ball, but I am really chasing my foster siblings. I love chewing bones, and playing with my stuffed squirrel. My favorite humans love to pet me and snuggle me. I like to lay on my back and get a tummy rub, but I also love getting a scratch. I love giving kisses too, but it takes me a short time to warm up…
My Story:
Charlie is a a total little sweetheart in need of a forever home. Charlie was found wandering the woods as a young puppy. We imagine he was probably dumped there. He found a caring home to take him in, yet then his new family couldn’t keep him either. Now Charlie is needs the forever home he’s been waiting for his whole life.
We believe that Charlie is a Basenji, mix. We think he may be part squirrel because he is small and quick, and LOVES squirrels. He is absolutely adorable! He has that puppy face, that just makes you melt. Charlie loves other dogs and cats too.
Charlie is housebroken, crate trained and eager to please. If you say “Charlie crate” he runs into his crate. He is a little shy, though he warms up quick and prefers to spend his time with people or other dogs. He knows sit, and is slowly learning other commands. He doesn’t like to be forced to do things, so we’re taking our time with him. He is smart as a whip so it shouldn’t take long.
Charlie is an all around great boy who want nothing more than a family of his own that will cherish him forever. He’s got a whole lot of love and joy to share with the lucky family who adopts him. He is absolutely perfect, other than a few minor training things (like lay down and stay). He doesn’t jump, doesn’t have potty problems, has ZERO aggression, loves everyone, has soft fur, and adores our dogs.
Charlie would be great as an apartment dog, if his new owner was willing to take him to the dog park 3-5 days a week. He loves interacting with other dogs, and does surprisingly well with much larger dogs despite his small stature. He would be wonderful with children, being that he is calm and very sweet. He isn’t mouthy or jumpy and has a timid and well mannered personality.
He has been at our house for a couple weeks now with ZERO accidents in the house. He doesn’t chew up flip flops, he doesn’t pee in plants… Honestly, this dog has been an absolute dream. Please give Charlie the home he so utterly deserves…