Location –
Chance is currently being fostered by Dave B.
Weight –
45-50 lbs.
House Manners –
Chance is house trained and kennel trained.
Children –
Chance is excellent with kids of all ages.
Other Pets –
Good with most dogs, not tested with cats
Sponsorship Status –
Special Thanks to:
Deirdre Franklin, Pinups for Pit Bulls for sponsorship.
Chance is one of the 11 dogs MABBR brought back from Newkirk, Oklahoma, where over 100 pit bulls were abandoned and left for dead in freezing temperatures. Emaciated and neglected, the heartbreak and cruelty these dogs endured was truly unimaginable and we are extremely grateful to all who helped. While it was too late for many, some of the dogs were saved and are now with rescue organizations throughout the nation.
Nobody really knows what all Chance went through during his first two years. We could see his “living conditions” but I can barely even call them that-a round plastic barrel to “live” in, a round plastic barrel to “drink” out of, and a massive chain approximately 3 feet long That was his whole world. No telling how long he would go between meals, or when his water would get changed-if ever. Then one day some hunters found him, along with the other 106 beautiful creatures that surrounded him. His life was saved that day. He didn’t know what his future would be, all he knew was that there were people coming up to him, petting him, feeding him, giving him fresh water, and this stuff that they put in his barrel (hay) kept him oh-so-warm.
Some said there was no hope for any of these dogs, but a few people pushed through all the red tape, to save even just a few. The day came where the decisions had to be made. Those horrible decisions…but it was the only way. The people had to keep in mind, it is better save a few, then to lose them all.
Chance did not make the final cut. The day after all decisions were made, the incredible vet team came to help with the dirty work. There were many we would have loved to save, but we had to keep in mind we only had so many spots, and one way or another, they would be out of pain, out of the cold, and would never be scared or hungry again. The time came for Chance to go into the trailer for his shot. With tears running down his face, Chance heard the nice man say “I’ve made a mistake. How do I let this one go? He was the last decision I had to make last night… I can’t do it.”
And so Chance acquired his new name, and a new life. There was a lady listening to the nice man that said Chance could go home with her and another one of the dogs from the farm. Chance was truly getting a second “chance” at life. He is now thriving in his new foster home. He has been to see the vet, gotten his toenails clipped, he even got a bath. He has not complained about any of it. He is a true joy.
Chance loves his walks. His foster daddy takes him, usually, twice a day. He loves to go outside and play and feel the wind in his face. Toys are his second favorite thing in the world, with treats, of course, being his first! He is a big lover who gets along great with any person he meets and he really, really, really likes kids! He has not met a cat yet, so we don’t really know about that. We are slowly introducing him to his foster sisters, he has already been through so much that we don’t want to make any moves too quickly. He is also currently enrolled in training classes.
Chance enjoys his kennel as long as he doesn’t feel like he is missing out on anything. Very early on he did have one potty accident, but after living outside for the first 2 years of his life, I think that is saying quite a bit. Now he will even go to the door when he needs to go out.