Location –
Diesel has a foster home! Fostered By Pam B.
Weight –
60-65 lbs.
House Manners –
He is learning all about house manners and doing excellent.
Children –
Yes, good with children. Diesel is still pretty timid so older children is probably best until he becomes more confident, so that he’s not easily startled. He has met kids of all ages and done excellent with them though.
Other Pets –
Diesel hasn’t been introduced to a lot of other dogs, but we believe he will probably do well with a laid back female.
Sponsorship Status –
Diesel needs a sponsor
Hello everyone, my name is D! I am new to MABBR and came here with my sister Ella. I am something called and Olde English Bulldogge but I am not sure if my daddy was really my dad. My foster mom says Ella and I were born somewhere called a “backyard breeder” and they do not sound like very nice people and they should not be trusted so much and that is why we can not know for sure if my daddy is for real or not. My foster mom does not care and she says I am just too cute and not to worry myself over this stuff.
I am trying very hard to be a good boy in my foster home. For the first few days I was really sad and scared. You see, I am not used to being in a strange place and it was really hard because my sister is going to stay in another home far away from me. Ella and I both think this world is a scary place and the MABBR ladies know this is not true so they want us to learn how to believe in ourselves. They have told me this is a good thing but I am not sure about this idea quite yet. I will admit that sometimes I think my foster mom is off her rocker! Can you believe she made me go to this thing called Dogtoberfest?! It was full of all kinds of scary things like dogs and people and they were all walking around everywhere! Surely this can not be a good place and I am going to get eaten by a monster here!! (She said I need something called “Socialization”. I think she is nuts and this is a crazy idea!) After we were there for a while I did see all of the other dogs having fun so it really was not so bad after all. There were even other people who wanted to pet my noggin! They told me I was very cute and smooshed my face around – which is pretty nice even if I don’t want them to know this! I guess I will try to believe my foster mom since nothing has ate me up yet and I have the idea she will not let anything bad happen to me after all. She said I did a really great job while we were there and she is very proud of me!
My foster home has another little dog here. She acts like this house is a lot of fun but I am not so sure. She runs all over the place and so far nothing has happened to her. Maybe since she can do something without any monsters eating her then I guess it is all right for me to try stuff also. I am still not totally convinced about this though so I will need to be cautious for a while longer just in case! My foster mom says I am very sensitive and shy and this means that I may always worry about stuff but she is happy as long as I try to do what she asks me to do. She says I am being a good boy so far! Because I am a sensitive guy I do not really like fast movements or a lot of noises so she thinks maybe a family with something called little kids would not make me happy. She wanted me to mention this to you for some reason.
My foster mom is very happy with my leash manners! I already know that I am supposed to walk next to her and not pull on my leash. I even know I am supposed to sit down and wait for her when she stops. I tried to tell her that jogging is a lot of fun too but since I can’t talk I had to wait for her and my foster dad to figure this out on their own. Because I like to jog they have decided to try to do this too but say it is really hard because they do not do this very much. Ha-ha, I am going to teach them how to jog for a long time while I am staying with them!
Well, that is all for now. You can get in touch with these MABBR ladies if you want to know more about me. Just ask for “D”! :)
CONGRATULATIONS PAM B!!! On your new baby!!!