She does need correction with cats some times when she is feeling extra zoomy. For being as young as she is, she’s pretty mellow for the most part and would rather relax with her people being lazy or chewing on her toys than doing laps around the hall ways and wrestling with the other dogs. If she gets a little too excited or gets really scared she has a habbit of subbmissively tinkling. She is a unique one in the way that she can aclimate herself to a lot of “dog situations”, a dominant male, high energy female, non dominant energetic male, dominant female.. she’s respectful of their places in a pack and knows hers just as well.
She is very, very, smart, very affectionate (hope you like kisses as much as she does!), loving, clumsey, and she definatly has her silly moments! This little lady is a tomboy and princess all in one, sweet and always very aware of her surroundings.
Sophia is food motivated, kennel trained, house broken, does good on a leash and loves a good walk, knows sit, shake, lay down and she’s getting better with the stay command! This girl loves people more than anything and she is just an all around great dog! If you’d like more information on this beautiful girl you can email Ashley and Daniel at ashleyral@yahoo. com