Pet-Peeves: getting picked on by my foster brother and sister, being too small to jump off the bed onto the floor, going into my crate, and not having a forever home
Interests: playing outside in the yard, taking naps with my foster parents, cuddling with my foster brother and sister, chewing on chew toys (not people items J ), following my foster brother and sister around and doing whatever they are doing.
Ideal day: wake up with my foster family, eat a good breakfast, go outside and play in the big backyard, come inside for a little snuggle time with my foster family, play some more, snuggle some more….you get the picture.
Zoie is a quick learner. She already is getting the hang of simple commands like “sit”, “come”, and “crate” (although she doesn’t especially like being in her crate for long, she is quick to run and get in it for a treat). She is almost potty trained. For the most part she lets us know when she has to go potty. She has an occasional accident in her crate, but no where else in the house. She gets along well with our other dogs, even though they are much bigger than her, she stands her ground when they try to gang up on her. We do have a cat, but Zoie is not that interested in him. Sometimes she tries to sneak up on him and give him kisses, but the cat is not having it.
Zoie is going to make a loyal, well-mannered companion for some lucky person or family.