Pet Peeves: Used to be stairs, but now I’m a master at those
Interests: Playing with my foster brother and sister, jumping in the snow like a kangaroo, puppy kisses, snacking, watching must see TV and staying well groomed.
Ideal Day: Waking up after a long night of happy dreaming to find breakfast already ready, followed by playing in the back ward with my fost! er siblings and of course, hopping like a kangaroo (if there’s snow). Coming in the warm house and napping in the sun (or near the fireplace) all the while staying very close to my foster siblings because cuddling is underrated. After resting I get to have obediance training for amazing treats (the training is pretty easy because I’m very responsive and eager to please!) You have to remember, because I’m a puppy my energy comes in spurts and napping near my foster parents feet makes me happiest everyday!