My History: I had the Parvovirus when I was a very young puppy and was very fortunate to survive. My owners later abandoned me once I got better. Since then, I’ve lived at the animal hospital and they helped me get better. I’ve completed my DA2PP-CVKL vaccine series and have had my Rabies vaccine too. I’m also negative for intestinal parasites. I know it sounds like a rough beginning, but I’m much better off
at the clinic and I have won the hearts of everyone who meets me.
My Pet Peeves: I’m very easy to get along with by most dogs. There are some who can’t keep up with me though. I can be a little nervous in new situations and I can be a little shy around new potential friends. But if
you have food, then I’m yours!
My Ideal day: Breakfast!!! ! I love food and I love toeat! Next to my toys, that’s my best friend. I also love to go on walks. So far, I’ve been taught to walk on the right side of my walker. Sometimes I get a little too excited on my walks and pull a little. I try not to make a habit of it but sometimes it just happens. Next is playtime. I have a good friend named Lulu, whom I just love and we would play all day if we could. I love to just run around and act like a typical puppy. Now don’t get me wrong, I can be serious sometimes too. Let’s try out school. I know some basic training commands already. I love to learn new things and make people happy. I don’t have this cute face that holds a big imagination for nothing. I need something to stimulate my brain for a while. I am a busy body who loves to be on the go. Then lunch. Mmm, food again. Now it’s time for a little nap. I enjoy my kennel and don’t mind being in it. Then, it’s whatever you desire me to do. Making people happy is what life is all about. That and just having fun and enjoying life. I crave attention and love. I know I will make a very great addition to the perfect family.