Callisto is now in boarding and he is trying hard to keep his chin up, but it’s hard on him. He’s known what it is like to be a pet, and loosing his home and family is a lot for him to have to handle. Callisto has a gorgeous, sleek, black coat with stunning gold brindling running through it. Cal is stunning. He’s truly jaw-dropping gorgeous.
Not only is he very good-looking, he is also housetrained and leash trained, and he met a baby and a young girl and he was ADORABLE with them -he kissed the baby and loves the 12-year old just as much. Everyone who meets this boy immediately falls in love with him.
We are really hoping that Cal will find a loving home very soon. He deserves to be back on a couch again getting lots of love and attention. Cal’s a trooper, but he should be in a home. Not a boarding facility. Please open up your heart to him and let him know he’s not alone, and that he will NEVER be abandoned again….