Ellie is doing wonderful, and everything could not have worked out better. She has been really healthy with no major issues, Ive had her to the vet a couple of time since I got her and everyone there absolutely adores her (who wouldnt thought!?) I have
attached the only picture I have saved on my computer , to get you by until you get a chance to see her again. You are more than welcome to stop by anytime to see her just give me a call or drop me a line so that I can make sure Im around.
Talk to you soon,
More Photos
Nicknames: Danger Paw
Interests: Licking every inch of your face and climbing all over you to do it.
Pet Peeves: People that won’t let her clean their tonsils
My Story:
Ellie was found as a stray. She made her way to a suburban KC animal control shelter where rescuers noticed her sweet temperament and came to save the day. Ellie Mae is oblivious to that close call, she is simply loving life and a happy go lucky little girl. Ellie gets along great with other dogs, she prefers not to share her toys, but is very responsive to commands. We have not tested her with cats.
She loves nothing more than to climb into your lap and hose you down with kisses. She is VERY enthusiastic about this affection and if you are interested in adopting her, you better love a good face wash, because you will be getting one. She got her nick name “Danger Paw” because she will jump or climb right into your lap (often uninvited) and proceed to lick you frantically while hugging you with her sharp little paws, so after a few scratches from her tiny little nails, we learned that we had to be ready for “Danger Paw!” when she was in the mood for her lovin time! Her little sonic-speed wagging tail goes a mile a minute the whole time :)
Ellie’s very well-behaved in the house and crate trained. She has bursts of energy, but mostly, she will play fetch for a little while and then settle down with a nice hard chewie toy, she loves nylabones! She also loves to squeak her ribbit-frog and run around the house with him. She knows sit and would respond very well to continued obedience training, she loves to interact with her people. Ellie is as sweet as they come and we are looking for a very special home for this pint-sized gem.