Feb. 11, 2020 at 7:27 p.m. CST
The Denver City Council…

Overland Park, Kansas Overturns Three Decade Long Ban
September 24, 2021/by doglistings
Denver Overturns 30-Year Ban
February 14, 2020/by doglistings
Liberty, Missouri Overturns 30 Year Ban
August 29, 2019/by doglistings
Boonville, Missouri Overturns BSL After 18 Years
Mayor breaks tie on new dangerous dog ordinance
July 22, 2015/by MABBR…

What They Should Have Told Me When I Rescued My Pit Bull
They said, "He's strong, about 67 pounds, and he's a puller but…
January 16, 2015/by MABBR
Pit Bull Bans Disappearing
January 7, 2015/by MABBR
Roeland Park considers lifting pit bull ban
October 1, 2014/by MABBR
Loyal Pit Bull Acts as Seeing Eye Dog for Brother
Huff Post Good News 11/18/13
Pictures are worth a thousand…
November 19, 2013/by MABBRPictures are worth a thousand…

Pitbull rescues owner
Thu, May 10, 2012 - Pit bull rescues owner by pulling her from…
May 13, 2012/by MABBRMan reunited with service dog
Despite a pit bull ban, Iowa man is reunited with his service…
December 29, 2011/by MABBRPit Bulls Legal Again In SW Kansas’ Seward County
Posted: 9:41 PM Jul 8, 2011
Pit Bulls Legal Again In SW Kansas'…
July 11, 2011/by MABBRPit Bulls Legal Again In SW Kansas'…
Kellie Pickler Saves a dog over 4th of July Weekend
By: Amy Sciarretto
Country cutie Kellie…
July 7, 2011/by MABBRtasteofcountry.com
Country cutie Kellie…
Roo and Wallace Video Clip
Roo and Wallace made an appearance recently on "It's me or the…
February 24, 2011/by MABBRMABBR is entirely funded by donations. Our expenses include pet vaccinations, spaying and neutering, parasite treatment, and medication for any pets with special needs. Additionally, we must pay for boarding for dogs waiting for foster homes to become available.