We first met this white pit bull/bulldog in the claim room of a local animal control. There she was shaking, terrified, and confused. It was clear she recently had babies but was discarded after she served that purpose. When a volunteer entered her kennel, this sad pup turned her head away but offered her paw as a “please don’t hurt me, I promise to be good” gesture. Heartbreaking to say the least. It was then that we knew she had to be saved. A local woman who has been a great foster home for many rescue dogs had some space and offered to take her in. The foster mom, who only has male dogs, is transforming this little broken dog into a princess. Leah, as she has now been named, had a bath, sports a new pretty pink collar, and has even donned some bling in the way of sparkly stick-on earrings. She is settling in fine and enjoying a life with her mom and three male canine siblings. Already, she is showing her desire to please as she follows her foster mom around the yard and heels like she’s been doing it for years. She is learning house rules, crate training, realizing the joys of new foods/treats/toys, and interacting in new positive ways. Her foster brothers are a rowdy, happy, and fun crew (all smaller sized dogs), and she is doing just great with them! She should do well in a house with male dogs who are friendly and can continue to show her the ropes. Did we mention that she is so sweet with her people? She is still a little shy when meeting new folks but very kind. She is quite responsive and will stay when commanded. She’s around a year and a half, her teeth are pearly white, and she’s a nice little size as well- around 48 pounds. There’s no doubt she will be a very loyal companion with her new forever family. Location – In a foster home
[tab title=’Weight/Age’] 40 lbs. approximately 1 year old
House Manners – Currently being housebroken and crate trained in foster home
Children – Good with kids
Other Pets – Good with male dogs. Cats unknown
Sponsorship Status – Sponsor needed